🇺🇸 Memorial May Handlebar and Belts SALE 35% OFF / CODE: handlebars use: "hb35mday" belts use " belts35mday"

Cigar Racer Bars - Handlebars
Cigar Racer Bars - Handlebars
Cigar Racer Bars - Handlebars

Cigar Racer Bars

Universal Fit

Regular price $250.00 Sale

Currently available: Qty. 9 at this moment

Race style handlebars brought to you by Nash Motorcycle Company. Featuring a unique BMX race style look along with a center crossbar, which provides excellent strength and support. Measures 30" grip to grip, 5" pullback, 8" rise, 10.5" base. If you're ordering one of our sticky throttles, we can cut and prep your bars so they're ready and the throttle is in when you get them as an additional option.

*If adding a Cable Kit to your order, please specify at checkout what bars you are currently running & also what type of bike you have.*

Customization Explained: Handlebar Options, Throttle Prep Options

Cigar Racer Bars